Room Rentals

Room Rental

For Orchard Church Members
Orchard Church has been blessed with a number of different rooms that we would love for you and your family to use.  Please submit the form below to allow us to check and see if the room you are interested in is available.  If you are a member of Orchard Church the rental of our facilities is free.  We just ask that you give a $100 deposit that is completely refundable after the facility is returned cleaned and in the manner it was rented out.

For individuals who are not members of Orchard Church:
A $250 deposit is required per room rented.

OC Cafe: $150 per day
Splash Room: $100 per day
Sanctuary: $250 per day
Children's Rooms: $50 each, per day

Use of the sound system and power point  will require paid sound technician staff.  The cost for their involvement will be quoted per rental.

I. Orchard Church Property Rental Terms and Conditions:
Rental of the Church Property is conditioned upon acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

1. The applicant is responsible for returning the facility to the condition in which it was received. Floors must be swept, vacuumed and areas cleaned up. All garbage and litter created by the use must be collected removed from the facility.
2. For some events, special cleaning services with additional fees may be required as a condition for approval.
3. No food or beverages are permitted in the Sanctuary.
4. Use of the instruments and sound system is not prohibited unless requested.  Either a sound technician or church worker will need to be involved with the use of the sound system.
5. The Church furniture is not to be rearranged without prior notice and consent by an representative of the church.
6. Smoking is not permitted on any part of the Orchard Church campus.
8. Applicants are responsible for any damages incurred and will be charged for repairs.
9. The facilities cannot be used in a fashion that is in disagreement with our church’s faith and By-Laws.
10. For some events, special cleaning services with additional fees may be required as a condition for approval.
11. No food or beverage are permitted on couches, love seats and or furniture in OC Cafe.

II. Applicant Holds Responsibility and Full Liability:
All information provided in this application is true and correct.
I understand that Orchard Church shall not be liable to any visitor or to any other person for any injury, loss or damage regardless of the nature thereof to any person or property on the Premises.  I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Orchard Church against any and all liability whatsoever for damages to any person or thing because of personal injury or property damage arising out of or resulting from use and enjoyment of the church and its facilities.  
I understand and assume full responsibility for any damages to the facility and or equipment in the facility during the hours of my scheduled event. I further understand that in the event damages do occur and said damages exceed the amount of deposit for same, I will be required to reimburse Orchard Church within three business days
after being presented with an itemized invoice for said damages.
I have read the rules and regulations and understand the fee structures. I understand I must be at least 21 years of age
for this agreement to be considered.

  • No items may be glued, pasted, taped, nailed, stapled, or painted to the walls or furnishings within the facility.
  • Do not reposition couches, ottomans or furnishings.  Do not drag, push or pull tables and chairs.
  • NO SMOKING inside the facility.
  • No animals (except for those assisting the disabled or handicapped persons)
  • Anything that permanently alters the facilities is not allowed.

III. Cleaning Requirements

Orchard Church will be responsible for supplying all the needed chemicals, equipment and supplies need to clean the church and it’s facilities.  Outlined below is a list of clean responsibilities.

At the rear door are brooms, a mop, and cleaning products.
Step 1: All table and chairs will be left in place to original order.
Step 2: Remove all trash, food, decor, linens or other items from the tables and counters.
Step 3: Wipe down all tables, chairs and countertops.
Step 4: Make sure that all commodes are flushed and there is no loose toilet paper or towels on the bathroom floors, sinks, or counters.
Step 5: Sweep floors and mop floors.
Step 6: Dispose of all trash properly.  Bag trash, inside and outside, and placed in the trash bin outside the back door.  When closing the back door, ensure that it is completely closed.
Step 7: If you change the temperature, reset it to its original temperature of 60 degrees.
Step 8: Return all cleaning supplies.
Step 9: Turn off all lights, fans, sound projector, or other electronic equipment used for the event.
Step 10: Lock all doors and return your key to the requested location.

Please Fill Out The Form Below